Senator Scott Brown came to Gloucester to demand the ouster of NOAA Chief Jane Lubchenco. Her policies continue to drain the life blood of our fishing industry the fishermen and their families. For years fishermen have sacrificed to rebuild fish stocks under the ever tightening of NOAA's regulations. As fish stocks rebounded the noose became tighter. Mismanagement by NOAA has the fishing industry in peril. There is no fisherman that wants to fish themselves out of a job and monitoring and regulating needs a fine balance to maintain a sustainable stock with sustainable fishing jobs. NOAA is essential to monitor the health of the oceans and the fish stocks. It's time for NOAA to help the fishermen and stop destroying them!
More from the
Gloucester Times.
Senator Bruce Tarr,City Councilor Safatia Romeo-Theken and Senator Scott Brown

The press listens and films.

Senator Tarr speaks.

Senator Brown makes announcement.


Mayor Carolyn Kirk speaks.

Councilor Romeo-Theken.

This lovely lady from Newburyport came to visit Senator Brown.

She must have touched his heart!
Did the Teabaggers make a show of it too?
They were there.... all two of them holding up a banner,but that was it.
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