Almost perfect weather for this years St. Peter's Fiesta. Trying to decide how to post some of the 350 images I took this year presented a problem. So for this year I started with the Friday, Saturday and Sunday Greasy Pole Champions with a few other interesting shots thrown in. Much more to follow!
Friday Greasy Pole......Blue spiked hair fail!
Oh so close but no cigar!Jack Russ on leave from the USAF approaches the flag.
Reaching for victory!
Hitting the water.
High five!
Another high five!
Shoulder ride!
Saturday Greasy Pole contest.
Loosing grip!
Spiderman fail!
Kyle Barry grabs the flag!
Flag follows him down!
Victory splash!
Saturday Greasy Pole Champ Kyle Barry!
Sunday the walkers arrive and a plume of water!
Perfect view!
Not close enough!
Even this effort is not close enough!
Mark Allen grabs the flag.
High fives all around.
He still has grip of the flag!
Victory swig for the 2014 Greasy Pole Champ Mark Allen!