I had to change plans today and was only able to catch a few images along the Boulevard of a man feeding the birds and still empty storefronts at Gloucester Crossing. The rest are of images I didn't post yet, some may look familiar but were taken from slightly different angles.
"Picton Castle" is welcomed by the "Gateway Endeavor" and "Thomas E. Lannon"!

One time Gloucester fishing dragger now schooner "American Eagle"!

Sailing by the "Adventure"!

Steeples and Masts!

Whale watch boat "Yankee Freedom"!

Lobster boat "Black Pearl"!

Hauling traps!

The hungry gather!

Hand fed!

Gull looks on!

Joan of Arc!

Empty storefronts at Gloucester Crossing!

Gull in flight!

Washed up tractor tire on Niles Beach!

Unitarian Universalist Church!

Dog Bar Breakwater beacon during sunset!