A pretty nasty Nor'easter hit us during the week. High winds and 6" of rain brought down trees, flooded roadways and caused scattered power outages. While working the midnight shift I noticed torrents of water cascading under the doors into the garage. After inspection I discovered the drains were clogged with leaves. It required three trips during the night to keep the drains clear. My ride home, normally 25 minutes was actually 1 hour and 10 minutes due to flooded roads, downed trees and heavy and I mean HEAVY traffic! Other than a downspout pulling away from my house, we survived just fine. But a tree toppled into a clearing I created for the dogs in the nearby woods.......Nobody heard it fall!
Water pours under the garage doors (Video capture from the security monitor)
Flooding roadway!Downed tree!
The footbridge at Good Harbor Beach.
Not a beach day!
Rough surf
"Phyllis A." under repair.

"Padre Pio" sports a new paint scheme.

Catching a wave!
The curl closing in.
In the foam!
Breaker hits the Dog Bar Breakwater!
Eastern Point Light
Fall color of Woodward Avenue.
City Hall late afternoon.
Half Moon Beach
Sunset over the harbor.