Below are the images my wife and I choose:
"Seine Boats at Rest" Taken during the St. Peter's Fiesta 2009.

"Picton Castle Behind Water Curtain" Taken during SailGloucester 2009. This was unplanned! I had no clue there would be a welcome like this. I was heading out in my boat just to relax and catch a few photos. As I rounded Rocky Neck I saw two large plumes of water over Ten Pound Island. My first thought was that the island sprung a leak! Then I saw the LNG support vessel "Gateway Endeavor" with water cannons at full power as the Tall Ship "Picton Castle" appeared behind the mist.

"Heart Cloud" Taken 2008. As I was motoring along in my boat I looked up over Cruiseport Gloucester and saw a cloud that looked like an apple. About 30-40 seconds later it morphed into this heart shape.

"Fishermen's Memorial" Taken in the winter of 2009. I have many favorites of the statue. But none with this many variations of color.

"Dancing Gull" Taken 2009. I was standing next to that piling as I was trying to get into position to shoot another subject. As I was raising the camera a gull caught my eye and I quickly turned and fired!

"Colorburst over Good Harbor Beach" Taken early Spring 2010. I was heading home after a brief rainstorm and decided to see if there was a rainbow near the beach. What I found was a colorburst "raining down"!

1 comment:
Nice to learn of a coffeehouse that displays art and photography. We should have more such cafes. It's a sad fact that today's coffeehouses as exemplified by Starbucks, Seattle's Best and other coffee chains serve merely as beverage stations and social hubs, not as beehives of cultural and intellectual activity.
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