Due to my computer crashing....IDE Hard Drive not present"...so the screen says, I'll be away from adding new material. I don't know where the IDE drive went, but for some reason I can't boot the computer! In the meantime it's in the shop and I'm crossing my fingers all my files and programs will be saved. I don't know the timetable to get back up and running, but hopefully it's not long. I know I should have had an external hard drive, but not being schooled in those things I dragged my feet a little too long. Now I'm using those feet to kick myself! My niece was kind enough to allow me to borrow her lap top computer so at least I can handle the basics like this post. I'm dying to get it back so I can download images I've taken the last few days..... so please check back!
I found this on her computer...one of my early "point & shoot" images!
Hope it turns out not to serious.
Good luck!!
I have been there and done that.Good luck
The tech is in the process of downloading the last of my files & programs and will begin loading them back on a new hard drive. I may be back soon.
I came across your site while looking for New England ocean images for computer wallpaper. I visited Gloucester some years back on the way to vacationing in Rockport.
Sorry to hear about your computer crash. Glad to hear you were able to save what was on your drive. If you don't mind a suggestion from one that has had it happen to her (with me it was over 1,000 music files) Two things, get an external plug and play hard drive to store your pictures. Second, to back that up if you have dvd writing capability on your computer, burn all of your pictures to rewritable dvd's, that way if you have problems again you always have a copy. Take care and looking forward to new pictures
Sandy from CT
Thanks Sandy!
I've already started,I discovered an auto feature on my photo download program that allows me to copy by the day,week and month the latest entries. Next pay-day I plan on an external hard drive.
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