With temps in the 90's it was off to the Greasy Pole by boat. With my boat in the mud at low tide I had to leave the dock no later than 12:30. I departed about 12:10 and joined the other rafted boats just in time. Any later I would have been shut out from a good enough spot to photograph the mayhem. With boats on all sides of me and with a myriad of boats blasting their stereos with different music, it was a long day on the water. Unfortunately I had a bad spot to photograph the seine boat races. Sunday I'll be back on the beach.

Fenders deployed!

Party time!


Picture time...this is the "crew" of the boat I tied up to...A great bunch!

High dive!

Back flip!

Seine boat rows by.

Mohawk fail!


Falling backwards!

Greasy entry!


Great attempt!

Upside down!

Spread eagle!


Rib buster!

Just out of reach!

Oh so close!

Nicky Avelis sits in front of the flag!

Avelis grabs the flag!

Going down with the prize!
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