Last week when someone said "Have you seen the Paint Factory? It's falling down!" I had to take a look and see what's happening with it. Besides taking a picture I looked back in my database and it is easy to see how far the deterioration has come. The north corner has a hole in it as that section sags. So I assembled images from 2007 up to the present and included them here in my last post. My intention was to bring attention of the state of this iconic waterfront structure. If you live here you kinda take the Paint Factory for granted, after all it's been standing watch over the inner harbor since the 1860's! But if you look into it's history and find out how it played a role in the Civil War and America's industrial revolution you realize it's more than just a pretty building to paint or photograph.
Well I guess I managed to grab someone's attention, Iain Kerr Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Alliance who's organization owns the Paint Factory contacted me.
Iain explained that work on the buildings has begun. Site work that includes removing lead paint and asbestos siding is being done now. The work is on the backside of the complex out of view for most of us. With that he invited me onto the grounds for a site tour. Iain explained his organization's dreams of the facility as we walked and climbed through the maze of ramps,stairways and passage ways. The Ocean Alliance mission is to monitor and educate the health of the world's oceans. In my view, taking on the restoration of the Paint Factory as their world headquarters is a perfect fit and challenge!

Iain begins the tour.

Worker adds dry ice as the media to remove lead paint under high pressure.

Missing corner!

North corner.

Asbetos siding removed, old windows exposed!

Looking out towards the outer harbor.

Iain atop worn stairs.

Paint mixing vat.

Internal works

Belt pulley

Dirty window with a great view.

Gear and pulley

Trap door to the harbor!

Paint Factory pier

Sliding door

The Paint Factory probably in the late 40's painted yellow!

Two Gloucester icons...Schooner Adventure passes the Paint Factory!

Iain Kerr....note the yellow paint!

Great post! I've always wanted to see this building in person, I just love it. I was planning on taking a weekend trip to Cape Ann sometime this summer, and this place was on my list of places to see and photograph. I'm sure with the upcoming renovations, it will look a little different by then, but it's not going stop me. If anything, I want to see it all the more. But I really hope they keep the building red, and not go back to the yellow color. The red just makes it stand out, and with its history, rightfully so.
I don't know anything about the paint factory, but I did enjoy your photos here.
I was pointed to your blog by Leah from South Shore and Beyond because we are planning a trip to the MA and ME coasts in October this year. I'll be checking here regularly to find great places to visit while there.
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