But today I saw something I never seen before,a mid-air collision! Right in front of me! Though I didn't catch the collision on camera, there they were two gulls heading into the drink with contorted wings in a feathery splash down. They bobbed in the water for a moment right side up, shook their heads..... then flew away!
They think I have something for them.

The pose.

"Aaron and Alexa" heads in.

Amanda and Andy II" heads in.

Busy Fish Pier.

Lots of gulls.

Feeding frenzy.

Gull on a piling.

A beak full!

Gulls scatter!


Yak yak yak!

Paint Factory beyond.

Damon passing through the landing zone!

I've never seen Damon in anything other than a dory!
Very nice photos. Your posts are always a delight to read.
Gulls are highly intelligent, aggressive nusiance, that coexist successfully with people and thrive in human habitats.
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