Nets and Masts!

"Unicorn","Bluenose II" and "Pride of Baltimore"!

"Bluenose II" and "Pride of Baltimore" bows!

Dory rows by!

Fixing Old Glory!

Old Glory flies again!

Painting and photographing!

Artist at work!

"Spirit of Bermuda" arrives!

"Spirit of Bermuda" bowsprit!

From the stern!

Sailing by Ten Pound Island!

Boat tours!

Crowds at the CG Station!

Man(woman) overboard drill!

Hauling in the "victim"!

Unusual boat!

Pleasure tug "Monkey"!

Another view of the "Monkey"!

"Space Shuttle"!

"Discovery Gloucester"!

Yup...there's a boat under there!



More BOOM!




Here's an example of not having the proper camera setting! Looks like the shuttle blast off!

Hi Jay Great pics I love the boat parade and fire works good job!!!!
Fabulous! I think that is Paul George painting on the docks...
I was wondering, are there a lot of artists that come to the docks just to paint?
That space shuttle boat ... it is a boat, right? ... is pretty darned creative!
I'm really enjoying looking at all your photos Jay. You make me feel as though I was almost there. So much detail, including the great night shots.
Thanks Frank & Kathleen! Sharon,yup that was the "Space Shuttle" and yup there's a boat under there! There's always artists around. On Rocky Neck a well established art colony is there...the oldest in the country! And the North Shore Art Association is having an event with the Schooner Festival. Member artists were painting around the harbor and selling their work.
Yes, a lot of artists paint on the docks but this past weekend the NSAA was holding a Schooner Festival Paint-In where artists signed up to be t certain locations so people could come and watch them.
Their paintings are on display in the Gordan Grant Room at NSAA.
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