It didn't take long before my wife and her niece twisted my arm and hood winked me into getting a new family member. After going through the heart wrenching loss of loosing our beagle Molly it was tough looking at the dog run in the yard and her empty bowls in the kitchen. It was even more difficult missing our daily walks through the neighborhood. We know she will never be replaced but there's so much joy taking care of a pet that takes care of your soul. Now our attention is on Allie a six month old Boston Terrier. She loves her new surroundings but has a few lessons to learn about GOING OUTSIDE! Slowly I'm getting back up to speed, I still need to fix some computer issues but I have a new partner to take on future photo excursions once I train her good dog leash not pulling on the leash before I shoot!

She already has taken over my couch!

I asked her to smile.....Really!

Built in Gloucester!

"Ardelle" passes by.

Cripple Cove at dusk.

Rocky Neck Marine Railways

"Highlander Sea" bow.

"Caterina G. bow.

Sleek lines of a schooner.


Getting dark on the waterfront.
Uh oh Jay, that one has some wild eyes! You've got trouble there! lol!
It's definitely nice to have a 4 legged family member, though it's tough to erase the pain of losing Molly, I know. Hopefully you and the new lady will become best of friends.
Thank goodness for such a beautiful Monday morning with lower humidity!
Thanks Sharon! So far she's a handful, she's a "licker" and surprisingly takes well going in the cage....Right now we only put her in the cage when we are not around otherwise she'll chew everything in sight! We also have our in-laws 15 year old beagle "Sam"(Samantha) who's showing her age but is still happy and always hungry. Last night I went down stairs and they were both laying together on Sam's bed!
She's adorable!!
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