It's over except for the final paperwork. My career as a Dockside Monitor along with all the other DM's along the coast has come to an end. A program that the Canadian Fisheries have been doing since the early 90's, NOAA decided to end the program after a year and a half run. For me it's been an interesting adventure.Starting after a week of training we were deployed along the docks to begin a program that was never attempted before. After a few days it was clear to me it wasn't just collecting offload data. We would at times settle tally disputes between dealer and fisherman. There is no standard of weighing fish, each fish house has their own subtle ways of weighing fish. We were the checks and balances for the industry, looking out for their best interests as the extra independent eyes for the fishermen and dealer. And through it all I've met many wonderful hard working people. That's the difficult part for me, I have seen the labor of love that goes with the industry and I've seen the frustration of dealing with an over restricted profession. In a sense I feel I'm abandoning the crew.
But there may be hope on my personal employment horizon. When my boss said to hang on to my company cell phone he explained there is something in the works. It's not set in stone and I can't get into details but they want to keep in touch for a possible near future position.
I wonder if the fish smell in my truck will be gone by then?
I made a stop at the last Downtown Block Party and this sign got me laughing!

The Gloucester High School "Docksiders" stage band. WOW are they good!

They sure attract a crowd!


My grand niece!

A circle of clouds.

"Hammer Head" a commercial fishing boat, and their rods!

An Edgewater center console cruises Harbor Cove.

Schooner "Ardelle" hoisting the sails.

"Sasquatch III"

Storm approaches.

Rain pours down as "Midnight Sun" passes by.

A couple of tuna on ice.

Hoisting up a big tuna!

Tuna tail.

Gulls steals bait from the crew of lobster boat "Jean Elizabeth"!


Open wide!
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