Irene was pegged by the experts as one of the most dangerous hurricanes to hit the northeast. Cities shut down, airlines flew their planes to safer airports and trains sat idle. Here in Gloucester boat owners scrambled to haul out while others like me prepped our boats best we could. By daybreak the wind caught up with the rain bans turning the sea into a frenzy. Bumper to bumper traffic of "rubber neckers" headed to the shore. The only thing missing was the street vendors, they would have done a great business! But it never ceases to amazes me of those who play chicken with nature. Never a smart thing to do. In the end we dodged a bullet, yes some trees were down and there was spotty power failures but all in all we survived just fine.
Playing chicken with Irene!

Dragging the kids through the gauntlet!


Photo time!

"Stand next to the wave"!

Now I'm getting worried.

Yes I kindly told dad the dangers of having his kids so close.

Tons of water, nothing to play with.

Now this is dangerous!

Taking pictures much too close! About a minute later a baseball size stone landed nearby!

Police show up to warn the onlookers.

Fishermen's Memorial

The only thing missing is the hull!

Steering through heavy weather!

White out!

Sitting on the bench and getting drenched!

Backwards breakers!

Bass Rocks

My boat did just fine.

And so did the Tarr & Wonson Paint Factory....It's still there!

And so is Rudy's boat! She held up fine Rudy!

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