Now that's a cod! Caught by the fishing vessel "Christina Eleni".

"Karoline Marie" arrives.

Crowded docks.

"Foxy Lady"

End of the Jodrey Fish Pier.

North Shore Art Association on Pirates Lane.


Tug/support vessel "Justice"

Gulls over the Fish Pier.

Dark clouds over the city.

The house overlooking Good Harbor Beach.

That is one helluva big, and ugly, fish alright! Man!
What's the story on the Good Harbor house? Is it owned by anyone famous? It certainly is photographed enough.
That house was once owned by a foreign diplomat,I think from Tiawan. That house could be yours,last I heard it was on the market for about $7 million!
Well it could be someone's but probably not mine. Maybe we could go halfsies ; )
We could lease it out as a summer rental! I wonder what rate we could get?
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