Kayaks in Lanes Cove!

Net fishing in Lanes Cove!

Lanes Cove!

Climbing the Lanes Cove breakwater!

Plum Cove Beach!

The "Sprit of Massachusetts" motors out!

Ten Pound Island in the rain!

Fishing vessel "Orin C." steams past schooners!

Harbor lobstering!

The old Cardinal Cushing Villa!

Half Moon Beach!

Bay View fire station...CLOSED!

A boat like mine!

I know, the haze is a bit of an issue isn't it. I do my best to edit it out of my photos but it's not easy. The next couple days should be a bit better.
The tall ships are headed this way! One is already here and the rest should be here by Friday morning for a parade into the Portsmouth Harbor. I've never seen it before but I'm going to try and jockey for a spot.
What's up with the Cardinal Cushing Villa? Is it still owned by Rev. Moon? I think I have a photo or two of it.
Tall ships your way....Way cool! The Villa I believe is now in private hands. The haze has been frustrating,I've been doing yard work in the meantime...even in this humidity!
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