The other day I had a "Roving Event" which took me to Newburyport to observe the unloading of the fishing vessel "Early Times". Once the fish are unloaded it was back on the road to Gloucester for the weigh-out at a local fish processor. The captain was telling me when he started fishing, 22 commercial fishing boats worked out of only three! The only fishing infrastructure remaining there is an electric winch & boom. That winch is slow, especially at low tide. Half way through the unloading the skies opened up and I was soaked! At least the rain didn't follow me back to Gloucester!
Newburyport Bridge

Antique boat.

Contender center console cruises by.

Aluminum boat with custom pilot house heads up the Merrimack River.

"Lisa Ann" rides the strong river current on her mooring.

"Early Times" makes her way through the pleasure craft traffic.

Turning towards the dock.

Clouds building north of Gloucester.

Doryman Damon Cummings!

Damon's favorite mode of transportation.

Setting up the rides for the Saint Peter's Fiesta!

Backside of the giant Ferris Wheel.

Ferris Wheel and the Greasy Pole.

A swimming start!
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