Gulls await the storm.

Front approaches Harbor Cove.

The bow of "Miss Sandy".

"Miss Sandy" & "Razzo".

Storm clouds gather.

Storm over the harbor.

"Wejack" beats the storm.

Heavy rain.

Lightning over the city!


Storm front breaks.

The sunset!

Couple on Good Harbor Beach.

Fisherman at rest.

The footbridge.

You caught some great images of the storm and it's aftermath alright. What a day, with amazing skies! I thought we might see a tornado last night but it didn't happen.
It's a little chilly this morning!
WOW... these photos are beautiful!
I'm a sucker for sunsets and I knew that a late afternoon storm usually brings special sunsets. Actually I was home too tired to go out and shoot it. But when I was bringing my dog back in the house off her run I looked up and couldn't resist.
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