The boat is a Sea Pro built in Newberry South Carolina in 2001. It is 21' in length with a 8'6" beam and has a fuel capacity of 81 gallons. She's powered by a 2000 200hp Suzuki two stroke engine. The first year I winterized her I had it shrunk wrapped. The dealer provided free shrink wrapping the first year I had her and I vowed not to do it again! By the time I removed the wrap dirt & debris got inside her from dozens of small holes that developed along the framing. Moisture was trapped along the rubrails and mold developed. Then the mess of throwing the plastic away. If I choose that route again it would cost in the $275.00 range! The following year I went to Home Depot and bought a 24' x 24' blue tarp for $35.00 and a couple of packages of mini bungee cords. That tarp lasted 5 seasons,kept the boat clean and dry too. Last year I bought a larger tarp, 30' x 30' for $65.00 because they didn't have the 24' x 24' tarp in stock. I had to "cinch" it down a few times during the winter so this time I changed the configuration of the framing this year. I made the frame work taller from bow to stern, a big "A" frame. Today the biggest hassle was the leaves,they are starting to come down en masse. They fill every nook & crannie and it took only a day to fill the boat! So out comes my air compessor to blow them out. Then it's a mad dash to get the boat covered before more leaves "rain" down again. Did I say I have two full grown Maple trees next to the boat?
Frame up!

Aft view!

Even the engine is covered!

And the trailer winch is covered!

Cover in place. I'll need to cinch it tight some more in the next few days!

Frame work last year!

"Blue Cacoon" in 2006!

2006 !

2006 snow storm!
Jay looks like you have a little boat yard in your back yard.What do you charge per foot?...LOL
That blue boat is my niece's husbands boat as is the Whaler which he's selling....Wanna buy a boat Frank?
Oh, it's that time of year again.
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