Another interesting sight had my mind spinning for awhile. Over the years I knew somewhere in my memory bank there was the name of a lobster boat "Chassea". For some reason I was thinking the hull was dark. But every time I would go through Smiths Cove there it was....with a white hull. Well today while I was heading back into the harbor I spot the lobster boat "Chassea" dark hull! "Wait a minute" I said to myself,didn't I see a white hull "Chassea" as I headed out of Smiths Cove today"? As it turns out there are two Chassea's!
And in closing.....About 10 minutes after I secured the boat for the day,the skies opened up with a crash of thunder and a brief shower.

Damn I look old.
Actually, I know of another Chassea --- it's sitting on the bottom of the ocean about 5 miles off Good Harbor Beach.
Joe, you're still cute.
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