Duncan was a better than average high school football player,he knew the game.Smart and tough,a coaches dream. But one battle that he fought through his High School career was in weight. Even though he had a very good junior year his weight was approaching 280 lbs. With hard work during the summer he brought it down to around 190 lbs !
I lost track of Duncan over the years but when I started a new job at Bomco there he was. Me the inspector and Duncan making parts. This time he was big, up to I'd say 300 lbs. Back around April of "07" he was around 450 lbs! It was getting tough for him to breath at times,and after several years of asking him to go for walks every day I was now telling him to. Nope,he wasn't going to change.Then in the morning of January 3rd of this year I saw him at his machine with the biggest MacDonalds bag they have.It was filled with pancakes, hashbrowns and everything else they carry for breakfast! I told him right then and there "If you eat that, you'll never see your kids graduate high school"! He ate it! Then that night walking up the stairs at home he couldn't breath!His wife Kristin rushed him up to AGH where for a couple of days they treated him for a possible heart attack. Further testing revealed he had pneumonia.For awhile it was touch and go.When they had him stabilized it was no food for three days...IV only. He fought with his wife to bring him a fribble, sandwiches, chips anything! No dice she wouldn't give in. A week later he was released from the hospital and returned to work. What I couldn't do to motivate him his children and wife did. With diet and exercise 480 lbs slowly began to fade. Hitting the "Y" after work everyday and long walks Duncan has done the impossible! He's now at 217 lbs! He went from a 64" waist to 36"! And there's no one as proud as his wife Kristin,5 year old daughter Laura and his son 14 year old Sumner. Oh...this "old" coach is proud of him too!

Wonderful story, Jay. You must be so proud and he must be so thrilled.
Thanks for a wonderful and inspiring story.
i work with Duncan every day and i am just so impressed & driven by him. He just set his mind to droping the weight which he did so impresivly. It's amazing what diet and exersize can do for the strong willed people. just look at the pictures they just speake for them selfs.
Are you Duncan with mother Carol, father Bob and sister Shannon?
I believe it is Chris.
I lived in FL and was friends with the family in 1974. Hi to all.
Dunc is a great and inspiration. He is full of hard work and dedication.
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