These images are from the last few days.
Good Harbor Beach snowman is still around..And he grew hair! A seaweed do!


All tied up!

Falcon or Hawk?

City Hall!

Lots of gulls!

A hunk of snow!

Break in the clouds!

Rocky Neck!


Gull on a piling!

Sitting on a piling!

Harbor sunset from Niles Beach!


Hi, Jay -
I especially liked the snow "ball."
I could see light through its edges and the top glistened. In some ways, it reminded me of a rose bud.
Super photo.
I want to say it's a red shouldered hawk but without looking it up I can't be positive.
You sure do capture some wonderful sunsets Jay. What an unbelievable amount of gulls too. Wonderful photos!
Thanks Chris and thanks Sharon....I need to brush up on my bird ID's!
from the size I would have to guess that it is a Goshawk
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