In three days of covering the water events with a pie eating contest thrown in, I clicked the shutter 861 times! That's 861 images to go through one by one then picking out the best to fit a selective sequence. With so many photos to screen there are always photos that I just plain missed. Images that should have belonged to other posts to maximize the story I was trying to tell.
I don't consider my posts of the Fiesta as complete, there's so much going on and I wish I could be at several places at the same time such as covering more of the Seine Boat Races. At least I can say I attempted a logistical nightmare to catch what I could. And perhaps you can appreciate what a great tradition and event the St. Peter's Fiesta truly is.
Prepping the seine boat.

Standing for the National Anthem.

Heading out to the flags.

"USS Oak Hill" providing the backdrop.

Ferris Wheel

Baby on board!

"USS Oak Hill"

Schooner "Thomas E. Lannon" goes by.

A boat load of Greasy Pole walkers!

One step and gone!

Greasy Pole walkers hang around the Harbormaster boat!

Sit down!

There goes the Tooth Fairy!

Almost but no flag!

Grease applied!

Sunday Greasy Pole champ "Ali" D'Angelo reaches the beach.


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