Included here is a photo of the schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts", I took that in 2001 before I was really into photography with my first digital camera,an Olympus point & shoot. I remember that day well, it was during the annual Gloucester Schooner Festival. Instead of taking in the spectacle I was drift fishing when schooners started to appear. My boat was new back then and when I realized they were heading right at me I went to start the engine.....nothing! "Oh no" I thought as they got closer and closer. "Maybe if I pump the pressure bulb in the fuel line she'll start up" I said to myself. I frantically pumped away and still the engine wouldn't turn over! Thankfully I realized my mistake, while fishing I pulled away the clip for the kill switch. I clipped it back in and started it up. With about 100' to spare I motored away then clicked the camera.
Work barge at Gloucester Seafood Display Auction.

Crane cab.

This must be the world's smallest tug!

"Horizon" comes in.

"Princess Laura" taken April of "07".

"Spirit of Massachusetts"

Smith Cove


Burst of light!

City Hall

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