"HEY GUS"! Gus in the middle of managing the offload of a fishing boat.

Teens head out to lobster. (My nephew Andrew at the tiller)

Big striper!

Vinny and his blue hair!

Captain Dan Murphy.

Captain Tom Ellis of the schooner "Thomas E. Lannon".

Captain Vito Giacalone.

Cleaning totes.

Clemente waiting for the next boat to unload.

Ocean Crest workers.

Fillet time!

Pigeon rescue.

Gutting tuna head.

Hamming it up!

Tony Tocco making a splice.

Offloading Dogfish.

Manning the bow of the "Jenny G."

Pulling hard.

Lobsterman Toby standing next to his "fresh" bait.

Joe poses!


Rob of the "Razzo" standing next to a huge chain they dragged up.

Rueben on the fork lift truck.

Reflection at Ocean Crest.

Break between boats.

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