The Japanese defense forces couldn't stop Godzilla.....I captured the beast!
Spied this over Route 128 on my way home from work. Dirty windshield and strong sun glare I had to darken the image and crop out the sun. That's the only edit to what's probably my worse quality image. I figured some would get a kick out of it so I posted the pic on facebook. A few shares later it's gone world wide! Who would of thunk it?
Why I created this......
Born and raised in Gloucester, Ma fishing gets in your blood. Surrounded by the sea, kids here have a boat almost as much as kids elsewhere have bicycles! As I grew older my fishing ambitions gave way to what's around me. Although I still "drop a line" every so often, my attention wanders to the majesty of the natural light that make this place so special. Never is each day the same. The subjects may be the same but the light from the sea & sky will morph the subject into a form of art. For that reason artists have been drawn to these shores for several hundred years, they followed the light painting and sketching these surroundings. What artists capture with paint on canvas, I attempt to capture with a click.....if I'm lucky!
What a surprise it was to see a rainbow while driving down the street! I mean there was no clue that the conditions were right at the time. No rain at all today and there it was like some higher authority decided.... ok,lets put a rainbow there! Rain offshore is what was going on as Mother Nature put on a display for the landlubbers.
I was saying WOW too! That was a case of Cape Ann being in the right spot. I was going to look for sunset shots when I left the house but looking to the east the clouds looked more interesting. Then while still on E. Main St. I caught a glimpse of a rainbow then headed down Bass Ave. to Good Harbor beach. When I got there my jaw dropped! Leaving GHB I thought the show was over and that's when I saw the other side of it from Bass jaw droppped again!
20 years asst. football coach @ Manchester/Essex Regional High School.....
35+ years in Quality Control,aerospace/defense high tech industries. Recently Dock Monitor for the Port of Gloucester and always looking for a new challenge!
Boating & fishing since I was a kid!....
Photography....Since 1973 and still learning!
WOW, Jay! WOW WOW WOW! Incredible.
Oh yeah, we saw the right side of the rainbow from The Fort. It was the most unusual rainbow that I've ever seen.
I was saying WOW too! That was a case of Cape Ann being in the right spot. I was going to look for sunset shots when I left the house but looking to the east the clouds looked more interesting. Then while still on E. Main St. I caught a glimpse of a rainbow then headed down Bass Ave. to Good Harbor beach. When I got there my jaw dropped! Leaving GHB I thought the show was over and that's when I saw the other side of it from Bass jaw droppped again!
Amazing images Jay. I can't imagine being there to see it in person! You're so fortunate to live on the cape. The views are always amazing.
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