Working the sea can be rewarding and dangerous. Since 1623 Gloucestermen have suffered the perils of the mighty ocean to bring food and a paycheck home. Two men are lucky to be alive and their vessel is also fortunate. It's very rare that both their vessel and their lives were brought home to live and work again!

That Neptune sign is both hilarious and appropriate.
LOVE the seal.
I had just got back into my truck and backing up when I saw it. I rolled the window down and took it. There it was stuck in a pile of snow on the edge of the wharf....I was laughing too!
I’m so glad we don’t have to post another sad post.
Hey Jay, that new lens is giving good results. Your first gull is a Black-headed gull. Excellent shot! He's an uncommon visitor here in the winter. The gull below the Harbor seal is our Great Black-backed gull, first winter. We have bazillions of those!
Me too Steve! The lense is working out ok. I'm still getting used to it and the servos. The seal was a good distance away and with the low light at the time I think the lense is going to be a keeper! And ya bazillions of gulls, one almost "bombed" me...I moved just in time!
I always enjoy looking at the visions you bring us from Gloucester. Glad the men were safe. Looks like the dingy isn't so lucky. And the harbor seal is too cute!
That Steve, he really knows his gulls!
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