The season's over, The next time in the boat is to take her to the ramp and "haul hull"! New tarp is ready,I just hope the weather holds up. Well the tide was low and the temps were moderate and a steady breeze from the southwest. Good time to head up the Annisquam River and check out the foliage. And the City Hall tower wrapping is coming off. A new copper cap... she's looking good. The rebuilding of "The Rudder" is in full swing and the F/V Blacksheep was spotted heading to her winter dockage.

Wow, I like all of them! The first one is excellent. I love the three orange boats and the cormorant taking off.... and, of course, the last two.
When I lived on Cape Cod there was a local tavern that the fisherman frequented called "The Sou'Wester."
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