Yesterday while my wife was cooking a steak dinner an orange glow was reflecting into my office. I couldn't resist,I grabbed the camera and ran out the door telling her I'd be right back. I headed down the street to Pirates Lane and as I was about to take the first picture I realized I had my broken 200mm zoom lens attached.Dummy me forgot to bring my camera bag so I could switch to the 55mm lens!No time to go home and get it,with the sun already below the horizon it's only a matter of minutes before it's too dark. So what I ended up doing is fidgeting the loose lens and hope for the best.

That last one is extra special....
I love the last one too. I have a similar one from long time ago before digital cameras! Keep up the great shots!
This was an awsome sunset. I really like the colors this time of year. It is intersting to compare these sunsets to the ones in Fitz Henry Lane's sunsets.
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