Houseboat on the cradle!

I'm used to sea-going vessels here!

Another view!

DCR Emblem on the landing craft "Goliath"!

Bow ramp!

Stern view!

"Goliath" deck!

Looking forward!

Our Lady of Good Voyage Church from Rocky Neck!

"Phyllis A." wheel house!

Built in 1925 !

Partly cloudy over the city!

Birders looking for or at...birds!


I'm outa here!

Yup, that's a Gulls life alright, yak, yak, yak! Looks like some serious birding alright, but a bit to cold for me.
Those floating houses sure are interesting. I'd like to see what some of them look like on the inside! What do they do for facilities?
As far as sewer they are the same as most pleasure boats of size. They have a holding tank and when full call the Harbormaster which sends a pump-out boat. A "Honey Wagon" on the water!
Hi Jay.Is that the houseboat that you see sitting across from Sudbays on 128?
jay--i love the marina/travel lift pics. having once lived for three years in the slip beside the lift, i know the variety of boats in and out, esp in the off-season. keep'em coming.
Frank...Yup, that's the one! It also has been in Jones Creek,Harbor Cove and Smiths Cove.
Hey Jay what are the chances of you getting some shots of the inside of that houseboat?...You knew somebody would ask.....LOL
Frank, I didn't want to be a "peeping Tom" on someone's home but I got close enough to notice it's gutted inside. Looks like they were replacing the flooring.
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