With much of my day "up the line" I missed what was a perfect day for scenic photography. And with the sun going down early this time of year I headed down to the Boulevard to catch the Fishermen's Memorial Statue and surrounding area in a different light.
Memorial tablets!

This gull got in my way!

Gull departs!


Looking out to the sea!

Faint sunray shines above!

The sun is setting!

Greasy Pole!

Tarr & Wonson Paint Factory and Bell at USCG Station Gloucester!

Ten Pound Island Light!
Geez, why didn't you say "hi"? LOL I was down by the Fisherman statue about the same time you were!
I didn't see you! Probably because I was staring at the sun! Belated HI Kathleen!!!
Well I didn't see either of you! Maybe that's because I wasn't in Gloucester in the first place. Hee hee . . .
It was a beautiful sunset tonight! I wished I could photograph it but there were prior commitments so that's the way it goes. Glad you caught it Jay!
Thanks Sharon! Actually I'm kicking myself. About 30-40 minutes later I was walking the dog with no camera near my house when an increadable orange sunburst shot staight up to the heavens and I didn't have my camera.
I saw that here too Jay! It almost looked like there were 2 suns. Yup, you should have caught that ; )
Great shots Jay. I love that one with the bell and the Paint Factory in the back ground. This is what I mean about your photogaphy. It makes me look at things a little differently. I have never seen the Paint Factory from that angle before...Awesome!
Thanks Frank! I didn't plan it, I just looked over my shoulder as I headed towards my truck,saw it and thought it was interesting.
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