History ON a bottle! A co-worker of mine told me of an increadable story about the bottle shown below. Back in the turn of the 20th century a common practice for even the smallest "mom & pop" liquor establishments was to create their own label for many different kinds of spirits that they sold. The bottle below "Holland Gin" was one of those,sold by P.Londergon & Company located on the corners of Hancock & Rogers Streets. What makes this bottle so special is that it was the last bottle sold before Prohibition! And no one drank it! Maybe one reason is that "Holland Gin" is flavored with turpintine! But the real reason is kind of spooky. When my co-worker's family bought their home some time ago, the 3rd floor of the house was sealed. The previous owners were the family of P. Londergon. On the 3rd floor was a grand parents apartment. When the grandfather died sometime back in the 20's,no one ever ventured up there again! Not until the house was sold about 60 years later! When the new owners ventured upstairs,they found the entire apartment a time capsule! There was even dirty dishes in the kitchen sink! The estate attorney ended up with most of the belongings and the new owners this bottle. If anyone knows the value of this bottle, my buddy would love to hear from you.

1 comment:
This is a really cool piece of history!
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