With Varian's giant wind turbine in place it's now time to install two more at Gloucester Engineering. While one will support Gloucester Engineering's electric needs, the third will supply the electric needs for Gloucester's municipal buildings. According to Mayor Carolyn Kirk the city could save as much as $400,000 in energy costs per year! Friday morning city,state and Gloucester Engineering officials held a "Blade Signing Ceremony" where members of the public were given the opportunity to sign a turbine blade.

Turbine tower footing.

Massive blades await assembly.

Inside the tower.

Blade lifting instructions!

City Councilor Sefatia Romeo Theken signs.

City Councilor Melissa Cox signs as Senator Bruce Tarr smirks on!

Retired Assistant Superintendent Brian Tarr signs.

Student Cassandra McComiski signs.

More signitures.

Creative signings!

Even I signed!

Changing skyline.

Wind turbine and church steeples!