Sunday, March 11, 2018

March Weather Madness Continues!

Third nor'easter in a row is about to hit us in the next few days. The good news is the tide, about 4' lower than the last set of storms.
Here's a collection of images from the last two storms and the week.

Bulk carrier Alwine Oldendorff passes Good Harbor Beach.
 Brace Cove
 Breaker at the entrance of Gloucester Harbor caused by Round Rock Shoal.
 Another breaker.
 Boston 26 miles away as the gull flies.
 Stacy Boulevard
 Building breaker!
 Splash over and someone too close!
 Seas breaking on the Dog Bar Breakwater.
 Good Harbor Beach eroded dune.
 Sliced in half dunes!
 Beach Closed!
 Sunday at the beach.
 After a winter blast.
 Snowman and Tablet Rock at Stage Fort Park.
 Storm buckled sidewalk.
 Sunday in Magnolia.
 Magnolia Beach.
 Damaged Magnolia Pier.
 The Gentile Bandstand at Stage Fort Park.
 Morning at the beach.
 Sunday afternoon.
Barge off Good Harbor Beach.
A tractor on a rock in West Gloucester.
 Fishermen's Memorial
 Gulls fly by.

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