It all started for me with a thunderous CRACK BOOM about 7:30 Friday night and out went the lights! One of the group of 5 rotted Silver Maple trees came crashing down in the teacher parking lot of the East Gloucester Elementary School. No electric lines were down but the tree hit one strong enough to cause 3 fuses to fail. It was during the height of the storm that battered our coast with 90 mph gusts. I live one house away but my niece's home was right next to it. Luckly only my nephew's shed was damaged. I reported the condition of those trees about 3 years ago to the DPW and they agreed they had to come down. Just two weeks ago I submitted a report with pictures of that cluster of trees! So anyway our street was without power until 6 PM Sunday. Friday into Saturday morning I was at work at the Beauport Hotel where thankfully the property was well designed. Built up about 4' above the footprint it remained dry during the flood tides. Only the parking lot received splashed up beach sand.
Rotted Silver Maple 02/21/18
Rotten failure!
Sky logging!
Big branch for the chipper.
Calm before the storm.
Swirling sands.
Broken footbridge!
Washed away
Thacher Island
Bass Rocks rocks!
Lone photographer.....Never get that close!
Brace Cove
Lone gull flies by.
Building seas.
Low tide surf.
Brace Rock gets battered.
Crashing sea!
Churned up cove entrance.
Another big one heading in.
If only you could hear the thunder!
Battered Dog Bar Breakwater.
USCG 47 footer
Stacy Boulevard
Fishermen's Wife statue.
Looking out to a rough sea.
Beauport Hotel
The Beauport seawall does its job!
Bike rider.
Big salty plume next to the Fishermen's Memorial.
Far reaching breaker.
Sky high breaker.
More wave action.
Spill over.
Thank you for sharing your awesome pictures. I can't imagine what everyone is going through. Be safe.