The Japanese defense forces couldn't stop Godzilla.....I captured the beast!

The Japanese defense forces couldn't stop Godzilla.....I captured the beast!
Spied this over Route 128 on my way home from work. Dirty windshield and strong sun glare I had to darken the image and crop out the sun. That's the only edit to what's probably my worse quality image. I figured some would get a kick out of it so I posted the pic on facebook. A few shares later it's gone world wide! Who would of thunk it?

Why I created this......

Born and raised in Gloucester, Ma fishing gets in your blood. Surrounded by the sea, kids here have a boat almost as much as kids elsewhere have bicycles! As I grew older my fishing ambitions gave way to what's around me. Although I still "drop a line" every so often, my attention wanders to the majesty of the natural light that make this place so special. Never is each day the same. The subjects may be the same but the light from the sea & sky will morph the subject into a form of art. For that reason artists have been drawn to these shores for several hundred years, they followed the light painting and sketching these surroundings. What artists capture with paint on canvas, I attempt to capture with a click.....if I'm lucky!

I guess that's a sort of Fish'n!

Jay Albert

Jay Albert 2025 all rights reserved

Click on any post image to enlarge.

"A Gloucester Christmas ! "

My Views of Gloucester !

Monday, March 31, 2014

Old and New!

Finally I think we got past the snow but this week was rain and wind. Here I mix old and new photos from here and there.

"Teresa Marie II" enters the harbor in high wins as a crewman atop the pilot house attempts to secure the port outrigger.
"Michael & Kristen" heads out.
 "Gillian Anne" heading in.
 Climbing out of a trough!
 Plowing on.
Making headway!

 Boston in the distance.
 Off Magnolia.
 Gulls huddle on the Dog Bar Breakwater!
 Storm front approaches Gloucester.
 Good Harbor Beach.
 Massive storm front over Thacher Island.
 High tide at Beacon Marine Basin.
 Erosion along the Creek!
 A lone walker and Thacher Island.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March Is Sunset Month!

Ever since I picked up a digital camera I discovered March around here is a great month for sunsets. It must be the cold air and the weather patterns that produce this show of nature.

Dead pilings and a vibrant sky!
 Low tide exposes the pilings.
 Gulls pass by.
 Gulls standing watch.
 A Gloucester sunset.
 From the hill behind my house.
 More dead pilings and stored lobster pots.
 Aircraft washes up in the harbor!
 Eastern Point Yacht Club
 Moon over Eastern Point Light.
 Billowing clouds
 A tranquil setting.
 From the Breakwater.
 Sun slips behind City Hall.
 Fishermen's Memorial

Monday, March 17, 2014

Slumbering Harbor!

Not much goes on in the harbor in March these days. Gone are the large ocean going freighters that used to deliver frozen fish from all over the world, now it's trucked in. NOAA has brought the fishing industry to its knees with poor science and management. Things will pick up soon though with recreational boating,whale watches and schooner cruises. 

"Beauport Princess" dwarfed by wind turbine
 "Portugee Hill"
 Our Lady of Good Voyage Church
 City Hall and St. Ann's Church
 All wrapped up.
 Yacht under wraps.
 "Sea Lion V" and "Francesca & Carlo"
 Empty Cradle
Marine work in Smith Cove.
 Geese at the beach!
 Good Harbor Beach
 Morning has broken!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cape Ann North!

Late Sunday afternoon I decided to take advantage of the longer day and head to Rockport . After stopping at the harbor and Pigeon Cove it was over to Lanes Cove in the Lanseville section of Gloucester.

Motif #1 as seen from Main Street.
 Rockport Harbor
 Reflective waters
 The hoist hook.
 Setting sun in the window!
 Lobster boat
 "Rebekah Lin"
 Pigeon Cove
 Fish shacks
 Lanes Cove gap.
 Rebuilt Lanes Cove shack.
 Heavy chain

"Glosta Logic"

It's not "soda" and not "pop" or even "soda pop" it's "tonic"!
It's a "rotary" not a "roundabout"!
"Going up the line" is a term used when leaving the island!
A "jigga"is a homemade powerless go-cart!
It's not "Break Time or Coffee Break" it's "Mug-up"!
It's not a "water fountain" it's a "Bubbla"!

Angels in Disguise


Unloading Haddock !


25th Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival Slideshow !

SailGloucester 2009 Slideshow !

Allie Hates Soccer!