Monday, February 03, 2014

Winter & Summer !

The other day the morning had a hazy summer look to it so I headed over to Good Harbor Beach for a few shots. Then later I decided to go back into my files and bring up real summer shots from the past few years..

Rocks in the creek.
Reflection silhouettes rock.

 A man and his dog.
 Low tide in the marsh.
 Foggy beach!
 Summertime crowds!
 Low tide and a long walk to the water.
 The Ring brothers lobstering off Eastern Point Light.
 Sailboat and lobster boat off Ten Pound Island.
 Egret in the marsh.
 "Thomas E. Lannon" passes the Paint Factory.
 2010 Fiesta rides.
 Flags on Stacy Boulevard.
 A Niles Beach sunset.

1 comment:

  1. The marsh pictures are my favorites. Good to see something besides snow. Thanks for sharing.
    Lynda in Michigan
