Thursday, February 06, 2014

Surprise! More Snow!

I shouldn't be surprised, we shouldn't be surprised by another snow storm. After all it is winter and it snows during winter. But what gets me is all the hoopla you see on TV when it snows. You would think the weather people and reporters think the end of the world is near! One thing I've learned through the years is to stay off highways when it's snowing. Not because I can't drive in it, actually I don't mind at all. But what I do mind are the idiots that have no clue on how to drive in the snow! Just because some have 4WD they think fast is good. I see more SUV's and other 4WD vehicles in spin outs and accidents than I do 2WD vehicles, and by a wide margin! Maybe those are weather people and reporters and their rants of gloom and doom comes from their snow driving skills....or lack of!

Anyhow while at work I saw the first snowflake at 5:30 am, about 15 minutes later the roads were covered. Lucky for me my relief came in one hour early and I hit the road at 7:00am. By then at least 4" of snow was on the ground and coming down fast and furious. Instead of taking the highway I slowly traveled along route 127 along the coast for a relaxing ride home.

Beverly Farms train depot.

State worker shovels the Blynman Bridge.

 Plow along the Boulevard.
 Western Avenue
 The stairs of Herrick Court.
 Snowing seagulls at the Fitz Henry Lane House!
 My flash highlights the snowflakes.
 Good Harbor Beach.
 "The House"
 A snowman appeared in my yard!

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