Thursday, December 02, 2010

Lobster Trap Tree & Rough Seas !

After working several boats in the morning the weather quickly turned south as rain and heavy winds battered the coast. Around 5:30 pm I was online checking local weather stations and observed a gust of 57 mph....a minute later the lights went out!
Power was finally restored around 8:00 pm. Just before dark I headed over to the Breakwater to check out the surf. It was so windy it knocked me around like a pinball! The light was so low at that point I wasn't sure how the photos would come out. Ideally I should shoot using a tripod in that low light but with the wind so strong it would have been useless. The Breakwater images aren't the best quality but they give you a sense how bad the weather was getting.

A quick drive through town and a shot of the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree!

Cruiseport Gloucester the night before.

"Midnight Sun" comes in to offload.

"Gone Fishing"!

Cripple Cove.

Eastern Point Lighthouse

Dog Bar Breakwater. The 2,250-foot breakwater stretching out from Eastern Point Light was built by the Army Corps of Engineers between 1894 and 1905.
The substructure of the breakwater is a rubble mound covered with 231,756 tons of Cape Ann granite blocks, each one weighing 12-13 tons. The breakwater was constructed for $300,000 and is 7½ feet above mean high water and ten feet wide.

This gentleman who walks the Breakwater everyday wanted to show me a loose granite block!

And it's right there!

Rough Breakwater!

Breaker hits Breakwater!

Tree in front of Cruiseport Gloucester!

1 comment:

  1. Love that tree in front of Cruiseport. It sure was wicked out at GHB today! Thanks.
