After working several boats in the morning the weather quickly turned south as rain and heavy winds battered the coast. Around 5:30 pm I was online checking local weather stations and observed a gust of 57 mph....a minute later the lights went out!
Power was finally restored around 8:00 pm. Just before dark I headed over to the Breakwater to check out the surf. It was so windy it knocked me around like a pinball! The light was so low at that point I wasn't sure how the photos would come out. Ideally I should shoot using a tripod in that low light but with the wind so strong it would have been useless. The Breakwater images aren't the best quality but they give you a sense how bad the weather was getting.
A quick drive through town and a shot of the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree!
Cruiseport Gloucester the night before.
"Midnight Sun" comes in to offload.
"Gone Fishing"!
Cripple Cove.
Eastern Point Lighthouse
Dog Bar Breakwater. The 2,250-foot breakwater stretching out from Eastern Point Light was built by the Army Corps of Engineers between 1894 and 1905.
The substructure of the breakwater is a rubble mound covered with 231,756 tons of Cape Ann granite blocks, each one weighing 12-13 tons. The breakwater was constructed for $300,000 and is 7½ feet above mean high water and ten feet wide.
This gentleman who walks the Breakwater everyday wanted to show me a loose granite block!
And it's right there!
Rough Breakwater!
Breaker hits Breakwater!
Tree in front of Cruiseport Gloucester!
Love that tree in front of Cruiseport. It sure was wicked out at GHB today! Thanks.