Trying to find the time to prep the boat and launch has been a challenge this year. I was finally able to launch her late Sunday afternoon as fog surrounded the harbor. It was a strange fog, only descending on land leaving the harbor itself clear. And to my surprise I had a welcoming committee greet me at the dock....a family of swans!
Ready to roll.
Fishermen heading up river.
Fishing vessel heading toward the fog bank.
Ten Pound Island
Fog bank in my wake.
Fog bank descends.
Fog bank.
Fishing for stripers in Harbor Cove.
"Western Venture" unloads herring.
Big bows.
Here they come!
Mama and the kids.
Swan family.
Here I am!
Swan spies Goldfish cracker.
Got it!
See ya!
Yup, we saw you motoring by yesterday.