"Claudia Marie" heads in!

Sunday morning view from my stairway!

The Dory Shop!

The Gorton's sign!

"Princess Elena" at the Fish Pier!

Seine boat!

Smiths Cove!

"Stranded" Killer Whale!

Merchant Marine WWII Memorial!

Dog runs by the anchor!

Magnolia presents!

In Rockport couple walk by Motif #1!

Lobster boats in Rockport harbor!

Snow filled dingys!

Rockport harbor!

Motif #1 through the alley!

Motif #1 again!

The setting sun!

As always Jay, very nice! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
Is the Motif lit up at night?
Same to you Sharon & family...Merry Christmas!
No the Motif is not lit up. Rockport has some strange by-laws and one of them prohibits outdoor lighting. It's ok for Christmas lights for your home but they strickly control spotlights and completly prohibit internally lit signs.
I love the one of the dinghies with snow in them. They're all terrific.
So there's not even a spotlight shining on the wreath? No christmas lights in town? So I guess there won't be any night photography of the motif! Maybe I could get out there and hold up a flashlight while you take some shots. Deal?
The town I live is pretty strict as well. A car dealer put up a neon sign and within a few months a law was passed prohibiting them. Wish they had passed that law long before that stupid eye sore of a sign went up! Most signs and lights in our town tend to be on the small side which is fine by me. I must be getting old ; )
Thanks Kathleen!
Sharon, Yes downtown Rockport has Christmas lights! An impressive Christmas tree is lighted at Dock Square and all the lamp posts have Christmas lights.
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