Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Air Traffic Control ?

When herring season hits Gloucester the gulls go bonkers. Herring is the food of choice for gulls, they can catch them in the wild or let the fishermen do the catching while they do the scavaging! What amazes me during these feeding frenzies.....no mid air collisions!

Fishing vessel "Plan-B" surrounded in gulls!

Looking aft!

Crowded airspace!

Clouds of feathers!

Don't look up!

Only a few stragglers on this dock!

Lost peg leg?


  1. Frank3:49 AM

    Hi Jay I hope you were wearing a hat when you took those pics...LOL. Have a great Thanksgiving. Maybe I will see you down the dock

  2. Have a great Thanksgiving too Frank!!! Not only was I wearing a hat...I didn't even get out of my truck!
