Monday, October 19, 2009

Storm Is Gone...Surf's Up !

The storm has passed but it left a good surf behind. Surfers at Good Harbor Beach had great conditions to hone their skills.

Washed up lobster pot!

Thacher Island!

Surfers head out!

Checking the surf!

Full steam ahead!

In white water!

In the trough!

In the turmoil!

Looking over the wave!

Catching a wave!

Made it!

Loose surf board!

Missed wave!

One in the trough and one IN the crest!

Surfer behind the break!


  1. Will most definitely not show these pics to my surfer hubbie, he'll be mad to have been stuck at work today! I see some tubes forming there!

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Gotta love a hearty New Englander...great pics Jay !!!

    Kathy :)

  3. The blues, greens, and whites combined with the waves are all just gorgeous! You just don't think of New England as being a place to surf like that! They must have been in heaven!
