Clouds building!

City Hall under threatening skies!

Shot from East Gloucester!

Fishing vessels and schooners stay in!

Herring boats and schooners!

Schooner rigging!

Violin music at Niles Beach!

Challenging the surf in the morning!

Police ATV cruises Good Harbor Beach!

Morning at Good Harbor Beach!

Strollers and surfers!

Two on the bridge!

Afternoon crowds and heavy surf!

"Wake boarding" in the creek!

Fun in the creek!

Good Harbor Beach house!

A water display!

Waves and spray!

Rocks drapped in salt water!

Curling over!

Getting close to Atlantic Road!

Liquid thunder!


Photographer David Cox takes it in!

Checking out the surf!

Capturing a wave!

Nice shootin' Jay. Believe it or not, I saw a couple of nuckleheads surfing down by Mother Ann. They were walking out as I was walking in and I heard one say, "man, that kept throwing me into the rocks!" Go figure.
Thanks Steve! I guess that's why they are called knuckleheads!
I had hoped to make it to the beach today but other things took over. Glad to see your photos Jay of what the waves actually looked like! I can't believe those guys in the water at Good Harbor beach. Crazy!
Weren't the clouds amazing against the brilliant blue sky!
What I really didn't capture were the crowds and traffic. Extra police were added to keep people off the rocks and for traffic control. Winter storms bring surf that's much bigger but today will do. I added one more photo captioned "Crash"!
Scary waves that's for sure. I heard the traffic was bumper to bumper along the NH coast.
Check out these photos Jay.
A little sad yet incredible at the same time. They were taken today at Acadia of 2 people who were pulled into the water. A professional photographer just happened to be there at the time.
I grew up in Medford and moved to Florida 8 years ago and the two places that I miss the most are Gloucester and Rockport, especially in the winter. I loved to sit out at the rocks and watch the breakers hitting the rocks with the roar of the surf, takes all your worries away. Thank you for the pictures. Do you have any with small boats in the drawbridge channel trying to navigate the pitching wake?
Thanks Dave! I have a few working their way up the canal buried somewhere in my database but most of the time I'm busy at the helm.
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