About 10:30pm Sunday an MBTA train out of Rockport hit a man under the extension overpass on route 128. Rescue workers lifted the train to extracate the trapped victim. Awesome teamwork by both Gloucester police and fire personel in a trying situation.
Police ATV used in rescue.

Hauling the stretcher up the steep hill.

Police light up Landing Zone.

Helo lands.

Med-Flight helo on extension.
Great Job Jay.How did you get so close without getting kicked off the highway? YOU THE MAN !!
The extension was still open when I went by.I had no clue what was going on and saw a CATA bus lined up with rescue equipment and thought perhaps the train broke down or jumped the tracks. I stayed clear and watched from a distance,the last thing I wanted to do is get in the way. The photos look closer than I was. I zoomed in on the photos during the processing. This was a difficult circumstance for the police & fire,extrodinary efforts were used to save a life.
Wonderful photos. Your teaser makes me want to visit! You are an amzaing photographic artist!
Excellent and in my opinion sensitive pictures of a tragic event.
Great Job well done by the GPD AND GFD.Thank God for the Police Dept ATVS
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