Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looking Back !

What I posted here are a few of my early photos. The fishing vessel "Two Friends" awaits the welders torch. She had been sunk dockside in Harbor Cove for several years when she was raised and brought here in East Gloucester. Her rigging and superstructure was removed,holes in the hull repaired and towed away. This was my very first picture taken with a digital camera!


  1. Wow, I can't believe its salvagable. Looks like lots of work!

  2. Those are just great, Jay. I bet the Caterina G. is the most painted boat currently on the water!

    LOVE the last one!!!

  3. Robert,they actually cut about 10' off the stern then welded plating to seal it. Kathleen if that's the most painted boat in the harbor,I'd guess it doesn't go out much!
