I'm greeted most mornings by a pair of gulls, Gertrude and Heathcliff. Gertrude had been the shy one while Heathcliff bold and usually gets close. But lately things have flip flopped, Gert is the one who will get close, sometimes too close. The other day while I was trying to take a picture of a sunrise she got in front of the lens!
Here comes Gertrude!
Sunrise over Harbor Cove.
A boat heads out.City skyline at daybreak.
Three boats head out.
Overcast morning at Good Harbor Beach.
Low tide.
The shimmering steeple of St. Ann's Church.
USCG Cutter Key Largo moored in Gloucester Harbor with Boston 26 miles away as the gull flies.The blustery breeze changes direction and the cutter swings in about 10 seconds!
she's a beauty.