Monday, July 20, 2020

Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That!

Just being random around town, along the water and in the yard and out of this world!

Coming in for a landing!
 Hanging around.
 Surfers at Good Harbor Beach.
 Walking the footbridge.
 Hazy morning.
 Canopy of trees at Moorland Road.
 Top of the road.
 A monster ripping up asphalt.
 Sun rays over the city.
 St. Ann's Church
 My new rain barrel to feed the fish pond.
 My neighbor put out a like new free reel mower, I couldn't resist.
 A bird flew close to me and when I looked up I saw this, a happy rainbow!
 The comet over Gloucester through a slight haze!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jay. It's been awhile. My husband and I and our families are healthy. We both worked during the stay at home order. Hope life is going good for you and your family also. Still enjoying your photos.
    Lynda in Michigan
