Monday, June 08, 2020

Early June and a Bust!

The first two images I took 10 years ago in early June. After that random shots here and there. Things are slowly getting back to normal as normal can be during this pandemic. Hotels are opening up as I type which will make my job less lonely. Thankfully the mayhem that resulted across the country due to the George Floyd murder never made it across our bridges. There were protests here in Gloucester but they were very peaceful and well organized, even local police participated. Meanwhile the Massachusetts Environmental Police were doing their part protecting our natural resources. I was tipped off of possible poaching. As I left work sure enough I saw their pickup head over where the fishing was done. I don't know the details but what I observed was four young men with as much as six lines in the water while the officer left with a bag of what I assume fish, possible "shorts".

Flags of the Boulevard June 2010
 The last eastern rigged trawler "Little Sandra" June 2010.
 Standing in the creek!
 A morning view from the end of the Fish Pier.
 The Paint Factory and Ten Pound Island Light.
 City Hall in a no cloud morning.
   Angler's Cafe!
 Schooner Adventure still in her winter cacoon.
Daybreak over the Greasy Pole.
A closer look and notice the sun reflecting off the windows of a house on the western shore!
 Environmental Officer checking the catch.
Looks like lecture time!
 Checking paperwork.
 Early morning fog and exposed rocks.
 A lone beach walker.
 Flowers and fog at Good Harbor Beach!

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