Monday, November 04, 2019

Change is in the Air!

There's talk of snow later in the week. I mowed the lawn for the last time of the season and the snow thrower is fueled up, garden hose drained and stored and the plow and tire chains installed on the tractor. Meanwhile........

The 300' Great Lakes cruise ship Victory II.

Lobster boat passes by.

At Cruiseport Gloucester.

From the F/V Titan.

Annisquam Bridge

Good Harbor Beach boardwalk.

Two swans in Niles Pond.

A Rockport weathervane.

Fishing on the Dog Bar Breakwater.

Sunrise at Good Harbor Beach!

Sunrise from Bass Rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Love the broadwalk photo. Makes me want to walk it. Thanks for sharing.
    Lynda in Michigan.
