Monday, October 21, 2019

Fall With a Bang!

We were hit with a blast from Mother Nature mid week.  High winds and rain smashed into us with such force trees snapped like twigs all across Cape Ann. I was working at the hotel during the worst of it and the hotel itself survived without loss of power. We were full to capacity due to week long business meetings and the guests hardly noticed. During the height of the storm a parking lot sign weighted down with two cinder blocks was literally destroyed. I went out to gather the debris and it was almost impossible to stand out there. I would guess winds at that time were in access of 90 mph! The Front Desk phone was ringing from callers looking for rooms and/or asking if they could come in to charge their phones! My neighborhood lost power for a couple of days, we had power restored by a crew from New Brunswick, Canada! I was so busy I didn't get much of a chance to take pics but did get some before and after the storm. Power outage tip: Don't rely on scented candles, especially cinnamon scented candles. That's all we had in the house and they make you hungry! It smelled like we had cinnamon rolls or apple pie baking in the oven!

The Greasy Pole surviving the storm.
Thacher Island
 Remnant of the old Birdseye Plant!
 Good Harbor Beach
 My neighbor was lucky as this tree fell about 1' from her house!
 This tree at Good Harbor Beach snapped under the strong winds!

 Under the footbrige.
 Sunrise over the Atlantic.
First time this year I got stuck! This SUV one of three turned around and soon the bridge went down!
 Crossing the bridge.
 Leaves just about gone along the Boulevard.
 Fishermen's Memorial under wispy clouds.
 Got junk?
 Geese take over the Little League field.
 Changing colors at Buswell's Pond.

Red leaves growing out of the bark in the yard!

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